domenica 24 giugno 2018

Polish Duolingo: Lesson 51.

D. Lesson 50. ↔︎ Lesson 52.
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Phrases Level 2.3

Mówisz po angielsku: You speak English!
The boy says good morning: Chłopiec mówi dzień dobry.
Dzień dobry i do widzenia: Good morning and goodbye.
Ja mówię: I am speaking.
Mówisz po polsku: You are speaking Polish.
He speak English: On mówie po angielsku.
Ona mówi dobranoc: She is saying good night.
The boy says good morning: Chłopiec mówi dzień dobry.
He speaks English: On mówi po angielsku.
The boy says good morning: Chopiec mówi dzień dobry.


1. Write in English: Mówisz po angielsku.
Your response: You speak English.
Correct response: You speak English.

≥ 2. Write in Polish: The boy says good morning.
Your response: Chłopiec mówi dobry dzień
Correct response: Chłopiec mówi dzień dobry.

3. Write in English: Dzień dobry i do widzenia.
Your response: Good morning and goodbye
Correct response: Good morning and goodbye

4. Write in English: Ja mówię.
Your response: I am speaking.
Correct response: I am speaking.

5. Write in English: Mówisz po polsku.
Your response: You are speaking Polish.
Correct response: You are speaking Polish.

≥  6. Write in Polish: He speaks English.
Your response: On mówi angielsku
Correct response: On mówi po angielsku.

7. Write in English: Ona mówi dobranoc.
Your response: She is saying good night.
Correct response: She is saying good night.

≥ 8. Write in Polish: The boy says good morning.
Your response: Chłopiec mówisz dzień dobry
Correct response: Chłopiec mówi dzień dobry.

9. Write in Polish: He speaks English.
Your response: On mówi po angielsku
Correct response: On mówi po angielsku

10. Write in Polish: The boy says good morning.
Your response: Chłopiec mówi dzień dobry
Correct response: Chłopiec mówi dzień dobry

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