martedì 12 giugno 2018

Polish Duolingo: Lesson 27.

D. Lesson 25. ↔︎ Lesson 28.
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Basic 2 Level 3.

A. Lubimy mleko: We like milk.
Macie ciasteczka i mleko: You have cookies and milk.
She likes children: Ona lubi dzieci.
On i ona lubią dzieci: He and she like children.
Lubisz chleb i wodę: You like bread and water.
Ja lubię mleko: I like milk.
Wy: You.
Lubimy mleko: we like milk.


≥ 1. Write in English: Lubimy mleko.
Your response: We have milk.
Correct response: We like milk.

2. Type what you hear: ÷
Your response: Macie ciasteczka i mleko.
Correct response: Macie ciasteczka i mleko.

3. Write in Polish: She likes children.
Your response: Ona lubi dzieci
Correct response: Ona lubi dzieci

4. Type what you hear: ÷
Your response: On i ona lubią dzieci.
Correct response: On i ona lubią dzieci.

5. Type what you hear: ÷
Your response: Lubisz chleb i wodę.
Correct response: Lubisz chleb i wodę.

6. Type what you hear: ÷
Your response: Ja lubię mleko.
Correct response: Ja lubię mleko.

7. Write in English: Wy.
Your response: You.
Correct response: You.

8. Write in English: Lubimy mleko.
Your response: We like milk.
Correct response: We like milk.

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