Basic 2 Level 4.
Mamy jabłko: We have an apple.
Chłopcy jedzą ciasteczka: the boys eat cookies.
I have milk and bread: Ja mam mleko y chłeb.
She has milk: ona ma mleko.
We: my.
Ona ma mleko: she has milk.
We have cookies: mamy ciasteczka.
I have milk and bread: Ja mam mleko y chleb.
1. Write in English: Mamy jabłko.
Your response: We have an apple.
Correct response: We have an apple.
2. Write in English: Chłopcy jedzą ciasteczka.
Your response: The boys eat cookies.
Correct response: The boys eat cookies.
≥ 3. Write in Polish: I have milk and bread.
Your response: Je mam mleko i chłeb.
Correct response: Ja mam mleko i chleb.
4. Write in Polish: She has milk.
Your response: Ona ma mleko.
Correct response: Ona ma mleko.
5. Write in Polish: We
Your response: My
Correct response: My
6. Write in English: Ona ma mleko.
Your response: She has milk.
Correct response: She has milk.
7. Write in Polish: We have cookies.
Your response: Mamy ciasteczka
Correct response: Mamy ciasteczka.
8. Write in Polish: I have milk and bread.
Your response: Ja mam mleko i chleb.
Correct response: Ja mam mleko i chleb.
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