martedì 19 giugno 2018

Polish Duolingo: Lesson 42.

D. Lesson 41. ↔︎ Lesson 43.
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Lesson 42.
Basics 2 Level 5

Chłopcy: boys.
Ona ma mleko: she has milk.
Oni mają wodę: thes have water.
Masz dzieci? Do you have children?
Mężczyźni: men.
Ja mam mleko i chleb: I have milk and bread.
Mamy ciasteczka i mleko: We have cookies and milk.
Kobiety jedzą chleb: The women eat bread.
Ona ma mleko: she has milk.
Mam ciasteczka: I have cookies.
Oni: they.
Mamy chleb i wodę: We have bread and water.
Mężczyźni i kobiety: men and women.
Ty masz mleko i wodę: You have milk and water.
Dziewczynki i chłopcy: girls and boys.
Ja man mleko i chleb: I have milk and bread.
Chłopcy jedzą chleb: the boys eat bread.
The woman and the man have a child: kobieta i mężczyzna mają dziecko.
They have water: oni mają wodę.
She has milk: ona ma mleko.
Chłopcy: boys.
Ona ma mleko: she has milk.
Kobiety jedzą chleb: women eat bread.


≥ 1. Write in English: Chłopcy
Your response: A boy
Correct response: Boys

≥ 2. Type what you hear: ÷
Your response: She has milk.
Correct response: Ona ma mleko.

3. Write in English: Oni mają wodę.
Your response: They have water.
Correct response: They have water.

4. Write in English: Masz dzieci?
Your response: Do you have children?
Correct response: Do you have children?

5. Write in English: Mężczyźni
Your response: Men.
Correct response: men

6. Select the missing word: Ja ___ mleko i chleb.
Your response: mam
Correct response: mam

7. Write in English: Mamy ciasteczka i mleko.
Your response: We have cookies and milk.
Correct response: We have cookies and milk.

≥ 8. Write in English: Kobiety jedzą chleb.
Your response: The women have bread.
Correct response: The women eat bread.

9. Write in English: Ona ma mleko.
Your response: She has milk.
Correct response: She has milk.

10. Write in English: Mam ciasteczka!
Your response: I have cookies.
Correct response: I have cookies!

11. Write in English: Oni
Your response: They
Correct response: They

12. Type what you hear: ÷
Your response: Mamy chleb i wodę.
Correct response: Mamy chleb i wodę.

13. Write in English: Mężczyźni i kobiety
Your response: Men and women.
Correct response: Men and women

14. Write in English: Ty masz mleko i wodę.
Your response: Wou have milk and water.
Correct response: You have milk and water.

15. Write in English: Dziewczynki i chłopcy
Your response: Girls and boys.
Correct response: girls and boys

16. Write in English: Ja mam mleko i chleb.
Your response: I have milk and bread.
Correct response: I have milk and bread.

17. Write in English: Chłopcy jedzą chleb.
Your response: Boys eat bread.
Correct response: Boys eat bread.

18. Mark the correct meaning: The woman and the man have a child.
Your response: Kobieta i mężczyzna mają dziecko.
Correct response: Kobieta i mężczyzna mają dziecko.

19. Write in Polish: They have water.
Your response: Ony mają wodę.
Correct response: Oni mają wodę.

20. Write in Polish: She has milk.
Your response: Ona ma mleko.
Correct response: Ona ma mleko.

21. Write in English: Chłopcy
Your response: Boys.
Correct response: Boys

22. Type what you hear: ÷
Your response: Ona ma mleko.
Correct response: Ona ma mleko.

≥ 23. Write in English: Kobiety jedzą chleb.
Your response: Men eat bread.
Correct response: women eat bread.

24. Write in English: Kobiety jedzą chleb.
Your response: women eat bread.
Correct response: women eat bread.

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