lunedì 16 luglio 2018

Duolingo Polish Grammar: Chapter VII. - Demonstrative pronouns.

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Polish Grammar: Chapter VII.
Demonstrative pronouns
Tips and notes.

• Anche i pronomi hanno tre generi: dimostrativi: maschile ten, femminile ta, neutro to.
• Gli aggettivi e pronomi dimostrativi ten, ta, to (questo, questa) e taki, taka, takie (tale) si declinano come segue: N. ten, ta, to / ci, te; G. tego, tej, tego / tich; D. temu, tej, temu / tym; A = N (non animati) o G (animati); S. tym, tą, tym / tymi; L. tym, tej, tym / tych.
• Il dimostrativo ta ha all'accusativo la forma come il sostantivo:
znam tę dwieczynę: conosco questa ragazza.
• Il pronome dimostrativo ten, ta, to ha al genitivo singolare maschile e neutro la forma tego, al femminile tej.

Demonstrative pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns are used to point at things.
When talking about something that is immediate or nearby, you use ten (and its forms):
  • Jem ten chleb (I am eating this bread)
  • Lubię dziewczynkę (I like this girl)
In some cases it can also be translated as the.

When referring to something that is more distant, you use tamten (and its forms):
  • Jem tamten chleb (I am eating that bread)
  • Lubię tamtą dziewczynkę (I like that girl)
In some cases it can also be translated as the other one or the other.

Pronouns share many properties with nouns. Just as nouns, they take different forms depending on the gender and case of the noun they accompany (or replace).
The table below shows the Nominative and Accusative forms of the pronoun ten (this):
demonstr. pronoun in singular (this) masculine feminine neuter
Nominative ten ta to
Accusative ten (inanimate) / tego (animate) tę to

Here are the Nominative and Accusative forms of the pronoun tamten (that):
demonstr. pronoun in singular (that) masculine feminine neuter
Nominative tamten tamta tamto
Accusative tamten (inanimate) / tamtego (animate) tamtą tamto

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