mercoledì 10 luglio 2019
Polacco> Lesson 506,
D. Lesson 505. ↔︎ Lesson 507.
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Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar - - Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche - |
Polacco: Lesson 505.
D. Lesson 504. ↔︎ Lesson 506.
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1. I wear grey underpants and orange socks.
- Noszę szare majtki i pomarańczowe skarpety.
2. Moje kolorowe majtki.
- My colorful underpants.
3. An orange cat.
- Pomarańczowy kot.
4. Jej czapka jest brązowa.
- Her cap is brown.
5. My mom has a violet hat.
- Moja mama ma fioletowy kapelusz.
6. Nie lubimy kolorowich koszul.
- We do not colorful shirts.
7. A big gray elephant.
- Duży szary słoń.
8. Do you wear brown trousers?
- Nosicie brązowe spodnie?
9. Fioletowa spódnica.
- A violet skirt.
10. Violet trousers and a gray sweatshirt.
- Fioletowa spodnie i szara bluza.
11. Jej bluza jest kolorowa.
- Her sweatshirt is colourful.
12. Your daughters wears a pink shirt.
- Twoja córka nosi różową koszulę.
13. Szara ryba.
- A gray fish.
14. Jego kurtka jest różowa.
- His jacket is pink.
¬ Congrats! You're working hard and learning new words!
- Congratulazioni! Stai lavorando sodo e stai imparando nuove parole!
15. Jej czapka jest brązowa.
- Her cap is brown.
16. Fioletowa spódnica.
- A violet skirt.
Polacco: Lesson 504.
D. Lesson 503. ↔︎ Lesson 505.
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1. You do not wear a while dress.
- Nie nosisz białej sukienki.
2. Żółte spodnie i niebieskie buty.
- Yellow trousers and blue shoes.
3. You do not have black socks.
- Nie masz czarnych skarpet.
4. Jabko jest czerwone.
- An apple is red.
5. Your son does not wear a white hat.
- Twój syn nie nosi białego kaplelusza.
6. Czarny koń je chleb.
- A black horse is heating bread.
¬ Your hard work is paying off!
- Il tuo duro lavoro sta pagando!
7. Do you have green shoes?
- Czy ty masz zielone buty?
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misz |
- A black mouse is drinking water.
9. Ta zupa jest czerwona?
- Is this soup red?
10. Ta ryba jest biała.
- This fish is white!
11. Niebiski kolor.
- The color blue.
12. Ta kurtka nie jest zielona.
- This jacket is not green.
13. Bialy kot
- A white cat.
14. Tamta ryba jest żółta.
- That fish is yellow.
15. You do not wear a white dress.
- Nie nosisz białej sukienki.
¬ You've met your daily goal! Practice every day to build your streak.
- Hai raggiunto il tuo obiettivo quotidiano! Fai pratica ogni giorno per costruire la tua serie.
Polacco: Lesson 503.
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Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar - - Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche - |
1. Jego kurtka jest różowa.
- His jacket is pink.
2. Płaszcz tego chłopca jest kolorowy.
- This boy's overcoat is colorful.
3. Twoja mała różowa spódnica.
- Your small pink skirt.
4. Twoje skartety są fioletowe.
- Your socks are violet.
5. Mały rózowy but.
- A small pink shoe.
6. To jest pomarańczwa ryba.
- This is an orange ryba.
7. Szara ryba.
- A gray fish.
8. Pomarańczowy kot.
- An orange cat.
9. on nie nosi pomarańczowego kapelusza.
- He does not wear an orange hat.
10. Jej czapka jest brązowa.
- Her cap is brown.
11. Płaszcz tego chłopca jest kolorowy.
- This boy's overcoat is colorful.
12. Duży szary słoń.
- A big gray elephant.
13. Jej bluza jest kolorowa.
- Her sweatshirt is colorful.
14. Moja babcia nosi żowe skarpety.
- My grandmother wears pink socks.
15. Nie lubimy kolorowych koszul.
- We do not like colorful dhirts.
16. Noszę szare majtki i pomarańczowe skarpety.
- I wear grey underpants and orange socks.
Polacco: Lesson 502.
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1. Ta kobieta nie nosi żółtej kurtki.
- This woman does not wear a yellow jacket.
2. Ta ryba jest biała!
- This fish is white!
3. Czarna mysz pije wodę.
- A black mouse is drinking water.
4. Mam stare czarne ubrania.
- I have old black clothes.
5. Czarny koń je chleb.
- A black horse is eating bread.
6. On nie ma niebieskich butów.
- He does not have blue shoes.
7. Żołte owoce są smaczne.
- Yellow fruits are tasty.
8. Ta czapka jest zielona.
- This cap is green.
9. Mój wujek pije czerwone wino.
- My uncle is drinking red wine.
10. Nie masz czarnich skarpet.
- You do not have black socks.
11. Mój pies jest biały.
- My dog is white.
12. Twój syn nie nosi białego kapelusze.
- Your son does not wear a white hat.
13. Moja mama ma zielony kapelusz.
- My mom hs a green hat.
14. Jesz żółty ser.
- You are eating jellow cheese.
Polacco: Lesson 501.
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1. Wasze siostry, wasi bracia.
- Uour sisters, your brothers.
2. Ona jest córką.
- She is a daughter.
3. Mój ojciecie je śniadanie.
- My father is eating breakfast.
4. To jest mój tata.
- This is my dad.
5. Mój brat i moja siostra.
- My brother and my sister.
6. To jest moja siostra.
- This is my sister.
7. My sons, my daughters.
- Moi synowie, moje córki.
8. Your mothers, your fathers.
- Wasze matki, wasi ojcowie.
9. My daughter is writing a letter.
- Moja córka pisze list.
10. I am a mom.
- Jestem mamą.
11. She and my mother are sisters.
- Ona i moja matka są siostrami.
12. I am a father.
- Jestem ojcem.
13. This is my son.
- To jest mój syn.
14. Masz rodzinę?
- Do you have a family?
15. Jestem ciocią.
- I am am aunt.
16. Znam jej wujka.
- I know her uncle.
17. Mąż i żona.
- A husband and a wife.
18. Wasza ciocia je śniadanie.
- Your aunt is eating breakfast.
19. Mój tata jest wujkiem.
- My dad is an uncle.
20. Your uncle likes horses.
- Wasz wujek lubi konie.
21. Wasza rodzina jest mała.
- Your family is small.
22. Are you his aunt?
- Jesteś jego ciocią?
23. A husband and a wife.
- Mąż i żona.
24. My dad is an uncle.
- Mój tata jest wujkiem.
25. Do you have a family?
- Macie rodzinę?
26. I know her uncle.
- Znam jei wujka.
27. Znam jej wujka.
- I know her uncle.
28. Are you his aunt?
- Jesteś jego ciocią?
lunedì 8 luglio 2019
Duolingo Polish Grammar: Chapter XIV. - Pronouns; Accented forms; The n-forms: after a preposition; Politeness: capitalizing you/your pronoun; Where to put a pronoun?
D. Chapter XIII. ↔︎ Chapter XV.
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Polish Grammar: Chapter XIV.
Pronouns 1
Tips and
Personal pronouns, like most words
in Polish, also undergo declension. This may be less surprising if you realize
that even English has some remnants of cases, as some of them have a different
form when used as an object pronoun.
The table below shows the neutral
forms of Polish pronouns in all four cases you encountered so far. By
"neutral" we mean that those are the basic forms, which don't show
any additional emphasis. Some pronouns have more than one form. Most of the
pronouns shown in these T&N will not be used immediately in this skill, but
it is easier to show them all at once.
you/you (sg)
you/you (pl)
dummy pronoun
- Widzisz go? (Do you see him?)
- Nie lubię ich. (I do not like them.)
- Oni jedzą z nami. (They are eating with us.)
Some pronouns have accented forms,
which give an additional emphasis on the pronoun, usually showing some
contrast. This works like "I love YOU, not her!" or "She
hates HIM, not me!".
The table shows all the accented
forms in the cases you know already, but they are also to be found in Dative.
you/you (sg)
- Kocham ciebie, a nie ją! (I love you, and not her!)
- Ona nienawidzi jego, a nie mnie! (She hates him, and not me!)
The n-forms:
after a preposition
You think that's a lot? Some
pronouns have also a special form which we will call an "n-form". By
n-form we mean a special form of the pronoun, not the basic one - because
several pronouns have forms starting with the letter "n" which for
them is the only variant, used in every context.
If such an n-form exists for the
given pronoun and case, it has to be used after a preposition and only
The table shows all the n-forms in
the cases you know already, but they are also to be found in Dative.
('masculine personal' plural)
('not masculine-personal' plural)
- Idę do niego. (I am going to him/to his place.)
- Martwię się o nią. (I am worried about her.)
capitalizing you/your pronouns
Duolingo sentences are just some
sentences without a context, so there is no capitalizing pronouns. However, if
you are writing to someone directly (a letter, a comment, a private message, a
text, etc.), it is highly recommended to capitalize every form of
"you" or "your". For example when texting someone you
love, you should rather write "Kocham Cię." and not "Kocham
Please note that capitalizing such
pronouns would be wrong in such contexts as subtitles for a movie or dialogues
in a book - this is just writing down what a character says, it's not
addressing anyone directly.
While we're discussing politeness,
please remember that at this point in the course you still haven't encountered
the formal pronouns.
Where to put
a pronoun?
Firstly, apart from rare cases with
accented forms of pronouns, no pronoun other than the subject pronoun should
start a sentence.
Secondly, one should avoid putting
any pronoun at the end of the sentence if only it is possible. The course may
still have some sentences that contradict this advice, but that doesn't change
the fact that according to grammar rules, this should not happen.
- Lubię cię. (I like you.)
- Ja cię lubię. (I like you.)
- Kocha go. (She/He loves him.)
- Ona go kocha. (She loves him.)
In the first examples of each pair,
the sentences were so short that there was just no alternative other than
putting the pronoun at the end, so it's perfectly fine. However in the other
two, putting the subject explicitly created room for putting a pronoun in a
different place. Those sentences are better than "Ja lubię cię." or
"Ona kocha go.", which should be avoided.
domenica 7 luglio 2019
domenica 30 giugno 2019
Polacco: Lesson 500.
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Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar - - Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche - |
1. Wasi rodzice jedzą obiad.
- Your partents are eating lunch.
2. Czy masz rodzeństwo?
- Do you have siblings?
3. Jesteśmy małżeństwem.
- We are married/
4. Jestem rodzicem.
- I am a parent.
5. Rodzic
- a parent
6. To małżeństwo.
- This marriage.
7. Nasze babcie są stare.
- Our grandmas are old.
8. Your grandmas have hats.
- Wasze babcie mają kapekusze.
9. Your grandmother and your grandfather.
- wasza babcia i wasz dziadek.
10. I am a parent.
- Jestem rodzicem.
11. This marriage.
- To małżeństwo.
12. I see a grandfather.
- Widzę dziadka.
13. I am a grandfather!
- Jestem dziadkiem.
14. Wasi rodzice jedzą obiad.
- Your parent are eating lunch.
Polacco: Lesson 499.
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1. Nasze babcie są stare.
- Our grandmas are old.
2. Tamto małżeńtwo ma dziedcko.
- That married couple has a child.
3. Wasi rodzice jedzą obiad.
- Your parents are eating lunch.
4. Twoja babcia i twój dziadek.
- Your grandmother and your grandfather.
5. Jesteśmy małżeństwem.
- We are married.
6. Czy masz rodzeństwo?
- Do you have siblings?
7. Rodzic.
- a parent.
8. Your grandmother is drinking milk.
- Twoja babcia pije mleko.
9. I see a grandfather.
- Widzę dziadka.
10. Our grandmas are old.
- Nasze babcie są stare.
11. This marriage.
- To małżeństwo.
12. I am a parent.
- Jestem rodzicem.
13. I am a grandfather.
- Jestem dziadziem.
14. Our grandmas are old.
- Nasze babcie są stare.
Polacco: Lesson 498.
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1. Znam jej wujka.
- I know her uncle.
2. Wasza ciocia je śniadanie.
- Your aunt is eating breakfast.
3. Mąż i żona.
- A husband and a wife.
4. Masz rodzinę?
- Do you have a family?
5. Mój tata jest wujkiem.
- My dad is an uncle.
6. A husband and a wife.
- Mąż i żona.
7. Jestem ciocią.
- I am an aunt!
8. My dad is an uncle.
- Mój tata jest wujkiem.
9. I know her uncle.
- Znam jej wujka.
10. I am an aunt!
- Jestem ciocią.
11. Do you have a family?
- Macie rodzinę?
12. Your uncle is old.
- Twój wujek jest stary.
Polacco. Lesson 497.
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1. Mój brat i moja siostra.
- My brother and my sister.
2. To jest mój tata.
- This is my dad.
3. Wasze siostry, wasi bracia.
- Your sisters, your brothers.
4. To jest moja siostra.
- This is my sister.
5. Mój ojciec je śniadanie.
- My father is eating breakfast.
6. Ona jest córką.
- She is a daughter.
7. My daughter loves me.
- Moja córka mnie kocha.
8. I am a mom.
- Jestem mamą.
9. This is my son.
- To jest mój syn.
10. She and my mother are sisters.
- Ona i moja matka są siostrami.
11. My sons, my daughters.
- Moi synowie, moje córki.
12. Your mothers, your fathers.
- Wasze matki, wasi ojcowie.
13. Am I a father?
- Jestem ojcem?
Polacco: Lesson 496.
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1. Rodzic.
- a parent
2. Czy masz rodzeństwo?
- Do you have siblings?
3. Nasze babcie są stare.
- Our grandmas are old.
4. Tamto małżeństwo ma dziecko.
- That married couple has a child.
5. Jesteśmy małżeństwem.
- We are married.
6. Mój dziadek pije kawę.
- My grandfather is drinkin coffee.
7. Moi rodzice nie mówią po angielsku.
- My parents do not speak English.
8. Your grandmas have hats.
- Wasze babcie mają kapelusze.
9. I see a grandfather.
- Widzę dziadka.
10. This marriage.
- To małżeństwo.
11. I am a grandfather.
- Jestem dziadkiem.
12. My old grandmother.
- Moja stara babcia.
13. I am a parent.
- Jestem rodzicem.
polacco: Lesson 495.
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1. Jestem ciocią!
- I am an aunt!
2. Mąż i żona.
- A husband and a wife.
3. Moja mama i mój tata to moja rodzina.
- My mom and my dad are my family.
4. Mój ttata jest wujkiem.
- My dad is an uncle.
5. Masz rodzinę?
- Do you have a family?
6. Wasza ciocia ję śniadanie.
- Your aunt is eating breakfast.
7. I know her uncle.
- Znam jej wujka.
8. Znam jej wujka.
- I know her uncle.
9. Do you have a family?
- Macie rodzinę?
10. My dad in an uncle.
- Mój tata jest wujkiem.
11. Your uncle likes horses.
- Wasz wujek lubi konie.
12. Are you his aunt?
- Jesteś jego ciocią?
13. This woman's husband does not speak English.
- Mąz tej kobiety nie mówi po angielsku.
14. I know her uncle.
- Znam jej wujka.
15. This woman's husband does not speak English.
- Mąż tej kobiety nie mówi po angielsku.
Polacco: Lesson 494.
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Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar - - Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche - |
1. Mój ojciec je śniadanie.
- My father is eating breakfast.
2.To jest mój tata.
- This is my dad.
3. Wasze siostry, wasi bracia.
- Your sisters, your brothers.
4. To jest moja matka.
- This is my mother.
5. Mój brat i moja siostra.
- My brother and my sister.
6. Ona jest córką.
- She is a daughter.
7. My daughter loves me.
- Moja córka mnie kocha.
8. Am I a father?
- Jestem ojcem?
9. I am a mom.
- Jestem mamą.
10. Your mothers, your fathers.
- Wasze matki, wasi ojcowie.
11. Are you sisters?
- Jesteśscie siostrami?
12. Does your son like fruit?
- Czy wasz syn lubi owoce?
13. My sons, my daughters.
- Moi synowie, moje córki.
Polacco: Lesson 493.
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1. Jesteśmy małżeństwem.
- We are married.
2. Brat i siostra to rodzeństwo.
- A brother and a sistere are siblings.
3. Rodzic
- a parent
4. Mój dziadek pije kawę.
- My grandfather is drinking coffee.
5. Nasze babcie są stare.
- Our grandmas are old.
6. Tamto małżeństwo ma dziecko.
- That married couple has a child.
7. Moi rodzice nie mówią po angielsku.
- My parent do not speak English.
8. Your grandmother is drinking milk.
- Twoja babcia pije mleko.
9. I see a grandfather.
- Widzę dziadka.
10. That married couple has a child.
- Tamto małżeństwo ma dziecko.
11. I am a grandfather.
- Jestem dziadkiem.
12. I am a parent.
- Jestem rodzicem.
13. Our grandmas are old.
- Nasze babcie są stare.
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↓ B . Lesson 1. → Lesson 2 . Home . Fonetica. - Words . - Grammar. Fonti didattiche. - LESSON 1. Declinazione di woda, acqua. Frasi...
D . B . Grammar . ↔︎ Chapter II . Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar - - Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche - Polish Grammar...