mercoledì 27 marzo 2019

Polacco: Lesson 420.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1.Ten pies nas nie lubi.
- This dog does not like us.
2. We do not know you.
- Nie znamy was.
3. Ten chłopiec mnie nie zna.
- This boy does not know me.
4. We do not see you.
- Nie widzimy was.
5. We like it.
- My to lubimy.
6. She does not see you.
- Ona ciebie nie widzi.
7. Ona tego nie widzi.
- She does not see it.
8. Czy my ciebie znamy?
- Do we know you?
9. Nie widzimy was.
- We do not see you.
10. On widzi nas.
- He sees us.
11. Ona tego nie słyszy.
- She does not hear this.
12. Lubimy to.
- We like it.
13. Ten chłopiec mnie nie zna.
- This boy does not know me.
14. Ona tego nie słyszy.
- She does not hear this.
15. Do you like them?
- Lubicie je?
16. Do these men know them?
- Czy mężczyźni je znają?

Polacco: Lesson 419.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Czy to jego ryba?
- Is it his fish?
2. Mamy ją.
- We have her.
3. Mamy go!
- We have him!
4. Ta kobieta je lubi.
- This woman likes them.
5. Nie kochamy jej.
- We do not love her.
6. Jej wino jest dobre.
- Her wine is good.
7. Do you like them?
- Lubicie je?
8. These are not his cookies!
- To nie są jego ciasteczka!
9. Do these men know them?
- Czy ci mężczyżni je znają?
10. Ten kot jej nie lubi.
- This cat does not like her.
11. Jej wino jest dobre.
- Her wine is good.
12. We love them.
- Kochamy ich.
13. Czy to jego ryba?
- Is it this fish?
14. Ta kobieta je lubi.
- This woman likes them.
15. Do you like them?
- Lubicie je?
16. Do these men know them?
- Czy mężczyźni je znają?

Polacco: Lesson 418.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Ona ciebie nie widzi.
- She does not see you.
2. We like it.
- My lubimy to.
- My to lubimy.
3. Słyszymy was.
- We hear you.
4. Ona mnie zna.
- She knows zna.
5. Kocham cię.
- I love you.
6. Tamten koń nas nie zna.
- That horse does not know us.
7. Ona tego nie słyszy.
- She does not hear this.
8. Do you love me?
- Kochasz mnie?
9. Lubimy to.
- We like it.
10. This man does not see us.
- Ten mężczyzna nas nie widzi.
11. Nie znamy cię.
- We do not know you.
12. She does not see it.
- Ona tego nie widzi.
13. Kocham cię.
- I love you.
14. Tamten koń nas nie zna.
- That horse does not know us.
15. Nie znam cię.
- We do not know you.

Polacco: Lesson 417.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. We do not love her.
- My jej nie kochamy.
- Nie kochamy jej.
2. Lubisz ich?
- Do you like them?
3. I know his dog.
- Znam jego psa.
4. Jej wino jest dobre.
- Her wine is good.
5. My go nie lubimy.
- We do not like him.
- We do not like him.
6. Ta kobieta je lubi.
- This woman likes them.
7. Lubię ją.
- I like her.
8. Her wine is good.
- Jej wino jest dobre.
9. Lubię ją.
- I like her.
10.  This cat does not like her.
- Ten kot jej nie lubi.
11. Czy ci mężczyżni je znają?
- Do these men know them?
12. My go nie lubimy.
- We do not like him.
13. Jej wino jest dobre.
- Her wine is good.
14. Lubię ją.
- I like her.
15. Czy ci mężczyżni je znają?

Polacco: Lesson 416.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Czy one nas znają?
- Do they know us?
2. I cannot hear you.
- Nie słyszę was.
3. Ona tego nie widzi.
- She does not see it.
4. On mnie nie słyszy.
- He does not hear me.
5. Ona ciebie nie widzi.
- She does not see you.
6. Słyszymy was.
- We hear you.
7. Słyszysz to?
- Do you hear it?
8. Ona tego nie słyszy.
- She does not hear this.
9. I like you.
- Lubię cię.
- Lubię was.
10. Czy ja was znam?
- Do I know you?
11. She loves you!
- Ona kocha cię
- Ona ciebie kocha!
12. Ten chłopiec mnie nie zna.
- This boy does not know me.
13. I cannot hear you.
- Nie słyszę was.
14.  Słyszymy was.
- We hear you.
15. Słyszysz to?
- Can you hear this?
- Do you hear it?
16. Ona tego nie słyszy.
- She does not hear this.

Polacco: Lesson 415.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. I hear them!
- Słyzę je.
2. Ten kot jej nie lubi.
- This cat does not like her.
3. I do not know them.
- Nie znam ich.
4. Czy to jego ryba?
- Is it his fish?
5. Lubię ją.
- I like her.
6. Nie znają go!
- They do not know him.
7. Mam jej psa.
- I have her dog.
8. These are not his cookies!
- To nie są jego ciasteczka!
9. We do not like him.
- My go nie lubimy.
10. Słyszę je!
- I hear them!
11. Ten kot jej nie lubi.
- This cat does not like her.
12. Lubię ją.
- I like her.
13. I do not like them.
- Nie znam ich.
14. Czy to jego ryba?
- Is it this fish?
15. Lubię ją.
- I like her.
16. Nie znają go.
- They do not know him.
17. These are not his cookies!
- To nie są jego ciasteczka!

Polacco: Lesson 414.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Do we know you?
- Czy my ciebie znamy?
2. Nie lubię tego.
- I do not like it.
3. They do not see me.
- One mnie nie widzą.
4. Lubimy to.
- We like it.
5. I love you.
- Kocham cię.
6. On widzi nas.
- He sees us.
7. He does not like you.
- On ciebie nie lubi.
8. Słyszysz to?
- Do you hear it?
9. Nie lubię tego.
- I do not like it.
10. Lubię cię.
- I like you.
11. Ona was nie kocha.
- She does not love you.
12. Kochasz mnie?
- Do you love me?
13. They do not see me.
- One mnie nie widzą.
14. He does not like you.
- On ciebie nie lubi.
15. Słyszysz to?
- Do you hear it?

Polacco: Lesson 413.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Nie widzę jej.
- I do not see her.
2. I do not know them.
- Nie znam ich.
3. Jej wino jest dobre.
- Her wine is good.
4. We have her.
- Mamy ją.
5. Słyszę je!
- I hear them!
6. Mamy ją!
- We have her!
6. My go nie lubimy.
- We do not like him.
7. Słyszę je!
- I hear them!
8. Nie widzę jej.
- I do not see her.
9. Znam jego psa.
- I know his dog.
10. Jej wino jest dobre.
- Her wine is good.
11. Lubisz go?
- Do you like him?
12. Znam jego psa.
- I know his dog.
13. Słyszę je!
- I hear them!

Polacco: Lesson 412.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. On ciebie nie lubi.
- He does not like you.
2. He sees us.
- On nas widzi.
3. Ten chłopiec mnie nie zna.
- This boy does not know me.
4. I like you.
- Lubię was.
5. Nie lubię tego.
- I do not like it.
6. Oni mnie nie widzą.
- They do not see me.
7. Lubimy to.
- We like it.
8. Lubię to.
- I like it.
9. Ona tego nie słyszy.
- She does not hear this.
10. On ciebie nie lubi.
- He does not like you.
11. Kocham cię.
- I love you.
12. Czy ja was znam?
- Do I know you?
13. On ciebie nie lubi.
- He does not like you.

Polacco: Lesson 411.

D. Lesson 410. ↔︎ Lesson 412.
Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Nie widzę jej.
- I do not see her.
2. We have her.
- Mamy ją.
3. Mam jei psa.
- I have her dog.
4. Do you like them?
- Lubicie je?
5. Mamy go!
- We have him!
6. Widzę ją.
- I see her.
7. Słyszę je!
- I hear them.
8. Ten kot jej nie lubi.
- This cat does not like her.
9. Słyszę je!
- I hear them.
10. Mamy go!
- We have him!
11. Jej wino jest dobre.
- Her wine is good.
12. Znam jego psa.
- I knoe his dog.
13. Mamy go!
- We have him!
14. Słyszę je!
- I hear them.
15. Ten kot jej nie lubi.
This cat does not like her.
16. Słyszę je!
- I hear them!

Duolingo Polish Grammar: Chapter XII. - Negations. Introduction to Genitive. Genitive: Nouns. Genitive: Adjectives & Determiners

 D. Chapter XI. ↔︎ Chapter XIII.
Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
Polish Grammar: Chapter XII.
“Negations? Wait, I did already encounter some negative sentences!” – Sure you did, but this skill will introduce a special kind of negation – negating Accusative.
So normally, if you negate a Polish sentence, you just put the word “nie” before the negated part. We already had sentences like:
  • Ser to (nie) warzywo. = Cheese is (not) a vegetable. (Nominative)
  • Lew (nie) jest psem. = A lion is (not) a dog. (Instrumental)
As you can see, negating them didn’t change much. But although you learned Accusative since the very first skill, there weren’t any negated Accusative sentences.
CRUCIAL RULE: If a verb that takes Accusative gets negated, it takes Genitive instead.
EVEN MORE CRUCIAL: No other case changes when negated. Negated Nominative is still Nominative. Negated Instrumental is still Instrumental. Negated Genitive is… well, Genitive. Taking ‘the negation rule’ too far is common among the learners and hopefully this text will make it a lot less common.
Moreover, if it’s a preposition that governs the usage of Accusative, and not a verb, it also doesn’t change the case.

Introduction to Genitive

Having said that… welcome to Genitive, the fourth case you encounter in this course. Genitive has many usages, out of which the most important is negating Accusative verbs, showing ownership (Adam’s horse = koń Adama) and also several verbs that you’d expect to take Accusative, but they don’t. Still, this section is about negating Accusative. Let’s compare:
English Polish English Polish
I love this woman. Kocham tę kobietę. I don’t love this woman. Nie kocham tej kobiety.
I have a child. Mam dziecko. I don’t have a child. Nie mam dziecka.
They have a key. Oni mają klucz. They don’t have a key. Oni nie mają klucza.
You see these cats. Widzisz te koty. You don’t see these cats. Nie widzisz tych kotów.
I like those women. Lubię tamte kobiety. I don’t like those women. Nie lubię tamtych kobiet.
I know this boy. Znam tego chłopca. I don’t know this boy. Nie znam tego chłopca.
Adam has a horse. Adam ma konia. Adam doesn’t have a horse. Adam nie ma konia.
As you can see, in the last two rows the bolded forms are identical. Why? Well, you remember that Accusative of masculine nouns differed between the animate nouns and inanimate nouns, right? The inanimate nouns had the Accusative and Nominative forms identical. Now you can see that the animate ones have Accusative and Genitive identical.

Genitive: Nouns

There are several other things that are worth noticing about nouns in Genitive.
Firstly, the plural Genitive of feminine nouns usually ends with a consonant, which confuses many learners, because to them the word look singular (and masculine).
Secondly, the singular Genitive of almost all feminine and neuter nouns is identical to Nominative (and Accusative) plural. This is often very confusing to learners, for whom cases are difficult (not a surprise, they are) and suddenly you see a word that you know as plural but according to the translation it is singular in the given sentence. So you have to take into consideration what verb is there in the sentence, if perhaps it’s negated (negated Accusative = Genitive, as above), or perhaps if there is a preposition. Also, other words, like determiners, pronouns and adjectives, may be helpful as they will show the grammatical number more clearly.
Anyway, compare:
  • Kobiety jedzą. (The women are eating, Nominative plural)
  • Lubię kobiety. (I like women, Accusative plural)
  • Nie znam tej kobiety. (I do not know this woman, Genitive singular).
Masculine animate nouns take -a ending in Genitive. Masculine inanimate nouns take either -u or sometimes also -a. Most neuter nouns have -a ending. The feminine ending is mostly either -y or -i, and as was mentioned, it’s identical to Nominative/Accusative plural.
In plural, the masculine nouns mostly take -ów ending or -i ending. Most neuter and feminine nouns have no ending in plural, with the last vowel dropped. -ie- or -e- are inserted into some forms.
English Nominative Genitive
cat kot kota
house dom domu
child dziecko dziecka
duck kaczka kaczki
boys chłopcy chłopców
horses konie koni
windows okna okien
girls dziewczynki dziewczynek

Genitive: Adjectives & Determiners

Masculine and neuter singular ending is -ego. The feminine one is -ej. Both plurals end either in -ych or -ich.
Basic form masculine/neuter sg + Genitive feminine sg + Genitive both plurals + Genitive
mały (small) małego małej małych
dobry (good) dobrego dobrej dobrych
ten (this) tego tej tych

domenica 17 marzo 2019

Polacco: Lesson 410.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. On mnie nie słyszy.
- He does not hear me.
2. We do not know you.
- Nie znamy was.
3. Ona ciebe kocha!
- She loves you!
4. This man does not see us.
- Ten mężczyzna not widzi nas.
5. Nie lubię tego.
- I do not like it.
6. On ciebie nie lubi.
- He does not like you.
7. Lubię to.
- I like it.
8. Nie słyzę cię.
- I cannot hear you.
9. Lubię to.
- I like it.
10. Ona tego nie słyszy.
- She does not hear this.
11. Słszymy was.
- We hear you.
12. On mnie nie słszy.
- He does not hear me.
13. We do not know you.
- Nie znamy you.

Polacco: Lesson 409.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. We have her!
- Mamy ją!
2. Nie znam ich.
- I do not know them.
3. I do not see her.
- Nie widzę jej.
4. Mam jej psa.
- I have her dog.
5. We have him.
- Mamy go!
6. Słyszę je!
- I hear them!
7. These are not his cookies!
- To nie są jego ciasteczka!
8. Lubisz go?
- Do you like him?
9. We do not love her.
- Nie kochamy jej.
10. This woman likes them.
- Ta kobieta je lubi.
11. I like her.
- Lubię ja.
12. Her wine is good.
- Jei wino jest dobre.
13. These are not his cookies!
- To nie są jego ciasteczka!

Polacco: Lesson 408.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Do you love me?
- Kochacie mnie?
2. Kocham cię.
- I love you.
3. We do not see you.
- Nie widzimy was.
4. On widzi nas.
- He sees us.
5. I do not like it.
- Nie lubię tego.
6. Czy my ciebie znamy?
- Do we know you?
7. I love you.
- Kocham cię.
8. Słyszysz to?
- Do you hear it?
9. He does not hear me.
- On mnie nie słyszy.
10. Nie lubię tego.
- I do not like it.
11. I like it.
- Lubię to.
12. She does not see you.
- Ona ciebie nie widzi,
13. Słyszysz to?
- Do you hear it?
14. She does not see you.
- Ona ciebie nie widzi.

Polacco: Lessom 407.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Mamy !
- We have her!
2. My go nie lubimy.
- We do not like him.
3. Mam jej psa.
- I have her dog.
4. Ten kot jei nie lubi.
- This cat does not like her.
5. Kochamy ich.
- We love them.
6. Słyszę je!
- I hear them!
7. Znam jego psa.
- I know his dog.
8. Do these men know them?
- Czy ci mężczyźni ich znają?
9. Lubisz go?
- Do you like him?
10. We do not love her.
- Nie kochamy jej.
11. Jej wino jest dobre.
- Her wine is good.
12. We have her!
- Mamy ja!
13. Słyszę je!
- I hear them!

Polacco: Lesson 406.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Nie słyszę cię.
- I cannot hear you.
2. Czy my ciebie znamy?
- Do we know you?
3. On widzi nas.
- He sees us.
4. Kochamy was!
- We love you.
5. On mnie nie słyszy.
- He does not hear me.
6. Nie lubię tego.
- I do not like it.
7. Lubimy to.
- We like it.
8. Do you hear it?
- Slyszysz to?
9. Ona tego nie słyszy.
- She cannot hear it.
10. Do you love me?
- Kochacie mnie?
11. Ona ciebie kocha!
- She loves you!
12. Lubię cię.
- I like you.

Polacco: Lesson 405.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Widzisz ich?
- Do you see them?
2. Ich pies
- thei dog
3. Jej wino jest dobre.
- Her wine is good.
4. Jego pies
His dog
5. Nasz kot i jej pies.
- Our cat and her dog.
6. Widzisz ich?
- Do you see them?
7. Jego pies.
- His dog
8. Jego kot pije mleko.
- His cat is drinking milk.
9. Do you see them?
- Widzisz ich?
10. Her wine is good.
- Jej wino jest dobre.
11. I have her dog.
- Mam jej psa.
12. His elephant is big.
- Jego słoń jest duzy.
13. Widzisz ich?
- Do you see them?
14. Nasz kot i jej pies.
- Our cat and her dog.
15. I have her dog.
- Mam jej psa.

Polacco: Lesson 404.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Twoi mężczyżni mówią po polsku.
- Your men speak Polish.
2. Your boys.
- Twoi chłopcy.
3. Wasi chlopcy mówią po angielsku.
- Your boys speak English.
4. My men, your women.
- Moi mężczyżni, twoje kobiety.
5. Wasi mężczyżni jedzą kolację.
- Your men are eating dinner.
6. Your men are eating dinner.
- Wasi mężczyźni jedzą kolację.
7. Moi mężczyźni mają wino.
- My men have wine.
8. My men have wine.
- Moi mężczyźni mają wino.
9. Moi mężczyźni, twoje kobiety.
- My men, your women.
10. Your men speak Polish.
- Twoi mężczyźni mówią po polsku.
11. Nasi chłopcy i nasze dziewczynki.
- Our boys and our girls.
12. Your people are bad.
- Wasi ludzie są źli.
13. My men, your women.
- Moi mężczyźni, twoje kobiety.

Polacco: Lesson 403.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Nasze ciasteczka są smaczne.
- Our cookies are tasty.
2. Twoje wino nie jest dobre.
- Your wine is not good.
3. Moje ubrania.
- My clothes.
4. Twoje mięso.
-  Your meat.
5. Nasze jabłko jest duże.
- Our apple is big.
6. Wasze dziecko
- Your child.
7. Your wine is not good.
- Wasze wino nie jest dobre.
8. Your small child.
- Twoje małe dziecko.
9. Your meat.
- Twoje mięso.
10. My dresses.
- Moje sukienki
11. My hats
- Moje kapelusze
12. Your child is drinking milk.
- Wasze dziecko pije mleko.

Polacco: Lesson 402.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Wasza kaczka je chleb.
- Your duck is eating bread.
2. To jest wasz krab i wasza ryba.
- This is your crab and your fish.
3. Nasza mysz je mięso.
- Our mouse is eating meat.
4. Twoja kawa
- Your coffee
5. Nasza mała mysz pije wodę.
- Our small mouse is drinking water.
6. My fish is eating bread.
- Moja ryba je chleb.
7. Twoja kaczka je śniadanie.
- Your duck is eating breakfast.
8. Our mouse is eating meat.
- Nasza mysz je mięso.
9. Your duck is eating breakfast.
- Twoja kaczka je śniadanie.
10. Our duck likes water.
- Nasza kaczka lubi wodę.
11. Your duck is eating bread.
- Wasza kaczka je chleb.
12. Your mouse is eating cheese.
- Wasza mysz je ser.

Polacco: Lesson 401.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1.Twój kot jest mały.
- Your cat is small.
2. Mój kapelusz.
- My hat.
3. Nasz pies jest mały.
- Our dog is small.
4. To jest wasz pies.
- This is your dog.
5. Nasz koń jest duży.
- Our horse is big.
6. Wasz pies je mięso.
- Your dog is eating meat.
7. Twój koń je ciasteczka.
- Your horse is eating cookies.
8. Your horse is eating tomatoes.
- Twój koń je pomidory.
9. My dog.
- Mój pies.
10. This is your dog.
- To jest wasz pies.
11. Our big elephant.
- Nasz duży słoń.
12. Your dog is eating cheese!
- Twój pies je ser.

Duolingo Polish Grammar: Chapter XI. - Present 1/ Vocabulary: kochać vs lubić - znać vs wiedzieć/ Grammar: Perfective vs imperfective.

 D. Chapter X. ↔︎ Chapter XII.
Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
Polish Grammar: Chapter XI.
Verbs: Present 1
You have already learned several verbs, now it is time for a separate skill only for verbs. Apart from the remaining forms of mówić (to speak) in Lesson 1, every other lesson introduces all forms of a completely new verb. All those verbs take an object in Accusative.
This is a good moment to remind that Accusative of masculine nouns depends on whether the noun is animate or inanimate. If the noun is masculine inanimate, the Accusative form is identical to the Nominative one, and if it’s masculine animate, then Accusative is identical to Genitive. Which you don’t know yet, but you will learn in the next skill, so it’s worth knowing already.

Most Polish verbs have relatively regular conjugation, with two most common patterns, which will be shown on the following examples from the skill:
Grammatical person (pronoun) + conjugated form of “widzieć” (to see)
1st person singular (I) (ja) widzę
2nd person singular (you) (ty) widzisz
3rd person singular (he/she/it) (on/ona/ono) widzi
1st person plural (we) (my) widzimy
2nd person plural (you) (wy) widzicie
3rd person plural (they) (oni/one) widzą
Grammatical person (pronoun) + conjugated form of “kochać” (to love)
1st person singular (I) (ja) kocham
2nd person singular (you) (ty) kochasz
3rd person singular (he/she/it) (on/ona/ono) kocha
1st person plural (we) (my) kochamy
2nd person plural (you) (wy) kochacie
3rd person plural (they) (oni/one) kochają

Vocabulary: kochać vs lubić

This is mostly for speakers of Russian, who tend to mix them up. kochać and lubić are very different in Polish, “kochać” being a lot stronger – it is either romantic love or love between members of family. Please keep to the direct translation of “kochać” = “to love” and “lubić” = “to like”.
Some native speakers of Polish do not like the idea of using “kochać” with inanimate objects, but it is possible and used in this course. A better verb for ‘loving’ inanimate objects may be uwielbiać, which with people is something between "to love" and "to adore".

Vocabulary: znać vs wiedzieć

You don’t have “wiedzieć” introduced yet, but it is worth to be aware of it, as the difference between them is often problematic for the learners. znać is more like “to be familiar with something/someone”, while wiedzieć is “to have some knowledge”. Generally, “znać” will be translated as “to know X” and “wiedzieć” will be “to know about X”, “to know, that X”, and similar. They are absolutely not interchangeable and almost always when one is correct, the other will be completely wrong.

Grammar: Infinitives

As you see, the Tips & Notes use the infinitive forms of the verb (the basic ones, those that you will find in a dictionary), although none of them has been introduced in the course yet. Time will come for that, we are still in the very basics.

Grammar: Perfective vs imperfective

Another point for which it is too early, but it is good to know that already: Polish verbs are either perfective or imperfective. The Polish names (dokonany and niedokonany) may be literally translated as ‘accomplished’ and ‘not-accomplished’, which show their functions well.
Perfective verbs focus on the effect of finishing the action. Imperfective verbs focus on the process, on the duration. Because of that, by definition, all verbs in the Present Tense are imperfective. It is impossible to use a perfective verb in the Present Tense. They will be introduced later in the tree.

mercoledì 6 marzo 2019

Polacco: lesson 400.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Nasz kot i jej pies.
- Our cat and her cat.
2. Jego kot pije mleko.
- His cat is drinking milk.
3. Ich pies.
- Their dog.
4. Widzisz ich?
- Do you see them?
5. Jego pies.
- His dog.
6. Ich pies.
- Their dog.
7. Mam jej psa.
- I have her dog.
8. Jego pies.
- His dog.
9. I have her dog.
- Mam jej psa.
10. Their dog is eating meat.
- Ich pies je mięso.
11. His cat is drinking milk.
- jego kot pije mleko.
12. Her wine is good.
- Jej wino jest dobre.
13. Thei dog eating meat.
- Ich pies je mięso.

Polacco: Lesson 399.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. My men have wine.
- Moi ludzie mają wino.
2. Nasi ludzie są dobrzy.
- Our people are good.
3. Twoi mężczyźni mówią po polsku.
- Your men speak Polish.
4. Your boys speak English.
- Twoi chłopcy mówią po angielsku.
5. Your men are eating dinner.
- Wasi mężczyźni jedza kolację.
6. My men, your women.
- Moi mężczyźni, twoje kobiety.
7. Twoi chłopcy.
- Your boys.
8. Wasi chłopcy mówią po angielsku.
- Your boys speak English.
9. Moi chłopcy widzą kota.
- My boys see a cat.
10. Moi mężczyźni, twoje kobiety.
- My men, your women.
11. Twoi mężczyźni mówią po polsku.
- Your men speak Polish.
12. Wasi mężczyźni jedzą kolację.
- Your men are eating dinner.
13. Twoi mężczyźni mówią po polsku.
- Your men speak Polish.
14. My men, your women.
- Moi mężczyźni, twoje kobiety.
15. Twoi mężczyźni mówią po polsku.
- Your men speak Polish.

Polacco: Lesson 398.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Our apple is big.
- Nasze jabłko jest duże.
2. Moje ubrania
- My clothes
3. Your big animals.
- Wasze duże zwierzęta.
4. My dresses.
- Moje sukienki.
5. Your wine is tasty.
- Twoje wino jest smaczne.
6. Nasze ciasteczka są smaczne.
- Our cookies are tasty.
7. Twoje mięso.
- Your meat.
8. Twoje wino nie jest dobre.
- Your wine is not good.
9. Moje pomidory są dobre.
- My tomatoes are good.
10. Twoje mięso.
- Your meat.
11. Wasze dziecko
- Your child.
12. Nasze jabłko jest duże.
- Our apple is big.
13. Your big animals.
- Wasze duże zwierzęta.
14. My dresses
- Moje sukienki.

Polacco: Lesson 397.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Our fish wear a short.
- Nasza ryba nosi koszulę.
2. Your small fish.
- Wasza mała ryba.
3. Your coffee.
- Wasza kawa
4. Moja ryba je chleb.
- My fish is eating bread.
5. Wasza kaczka je chleb.
- Your duck is eating bread.
6. Twoja kaczka je śniadanie.
- Your duck is eating breakfast.
7. Nasza mysz je mięso.
- Our mouse is eating meat.
8. Moja koszula jest duża.
- My shirt is large.
9. Wasza mała ryba.
- Your small fish.
10. Twoja mysz je ser.
- Your mouse is eating cheese.
11. Nasza ryba nosi koszulę.
- Our fish wears a shirt.
12. Twoja kaczka je śniadanie.
- Your duck is eating breakfast.

Polacco: Lesson 396.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Twój kot jest mały.
- Your cat is small.
2. Mój pies.
- My dog.
3. Our horse is eating.
- Twój koń je pomidory.
4. Our horse is big.
- Nasz koń jest duży.
5. This is your dog.
- To jest wasz pies.
6. Nasz pies jest mały.
- Our dog is small.
7. Wasz tygrys
- Your tiger.
8. To jest wasz pies.
- This is your dog.
9. Wasz koń je pomidory.
- Your horse is eating tomatoes.
10. My dog
- Mój pies.
11. Twój pies je ser!
- Your dog is eating cheese.
12. Twój kot jest mały.
- Your cat is small.

Polacco: Lesson 395.

D. Lesson 394. ↔︎ Lesson 396.
Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Their dog.
- Ich pies.
2. Jego słoń jest duży.
- His elephant is big.
3. Nasz kot i jej pies.
- Our cat an her dog.
4. Widzisz ich?
- Do you see them?
5. Ich pies.
- Their dog.
6. Do you see them?
- Widzisz ich?
7. Their dog is eating meat.
- Ich pies je mięso.
8. Ich pies je mięso.
- Their dog is eating meat.
9. His elephant is big.
- Jego słoń jest duży.
10. Jej wino jest dobre.
- Her wine is good.
11. Jego pies.
- His dog.
12. Mam jej psa.
- I have her dog.
13. Nasz kot i jej pies.
- Our cat and her dog.
14. His elephant is big.
- Jego słoń jest duży.

Polacco: Lesson 394.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Moi mężczyźni mają wino.
My men have wine.
2. My men, your women.
- Moi mężczyźni, twoje kobiety.
3. Nasi chłopcy i nasze dziewczynki.
- Our boys and our girls.
4. Your people are bad.
- Wasi ludzie są źli.
5. Your boys
- Wasi chłopcy.
6. Our boys have apples.
- Nasi chłopcy mają jabłka.
7.  Twoi chłopcy i twoje dzieczynki.
- Your boys and yoi=ur girls.
8. Your boys speak English.
- Wasi chłopcy mówią po angielsku.
9. My men, your women.
- Moi mężczyźzi, twoje kobiety.
10. My men have wine.
- Moi mężczyźni mają wino.
11. Twoi mężczyźni mówią po polsku.
- Your men speak Polish.
12. Wasi mężczyżni jedzą kolaję.
- Your dinner are eating dinner.
13. Twoi chłopcy i twoje dziewczynki.
- Your boys and your girls.
14. Wasi chłopcy mówią po anglielsku.
-  Your boys speak English.
15. Nasi chłopcy mają jabłka.
- Our boys have apples.
16. Moi mężczyźni, twoje kobiety.
- My men, your women.
17. Twoi mężczyźni mówią po polsku.
- Your men speak Polish.
18. Twoi chłopcy i twoje dziewczynki.
- Your boys and your girls.

Polacco: Lesson 393.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -

1. Moje dziecko.
- My child.
2. Wasze wino jest smaczne.
- Your wine is tasty.
3. Your cookies are tasty.
- Wasze ciasteczka są smaczne.
4. Our apple is big.
- Nasze jabłko jest duże.
5. Your wine is not good.
- Wasze wino nie jest dobre.
6. Twoje dziecko pije mleko.
- Your child is drinking milk.
7. My dog are big.
- Moje psy są duże.
8. Nasze ciasteczka są smaczne.
- Our cookies are tasty.
9. To jest wasze śniadanie.
- This is your breakfast.
10. Moje sukienki.
- My dresses.
11. Nasze dzieci lubią ciasteczka.
- Our children like cookies.
12. Twoje  wino jest dobre.
- Your wine is not good.

Polacco: Lesson 392.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Nasza ryba nosi koszulę.
- Our fish wears a shirt.
2. Your small fish.
- Wasza mala ryba.
3. Twoja mysz je ser.
- Your mouse is eating cheese.
4. My duck is tasty.
- Moja kaczka jest smaczna.
5. Our mouse is eating meat.
- Nasza mysz je mięso.
6. Wasza kaczka je chleb.
- Your duck is eating bread.
7. Your duck is eating breakfast.
- Wasza kaczka je śniadanie.
8. Wasza mysz pije wodę.
- Your mouse is drinking water.
9. Moja ryba je chleb.
- My fish is eating bread.
10. Twoja kaczka je śniadanie.
- Your duck is eating breakfast.
11. Nasza mysz je mięso.
- Our mouse is eating meat.
12. Moja herbata.
- My tea.
