martedì 5 febbraio 2019

Polacco: Lesson 365.

Home - Fonetica - Words - Grammar -
- Verbi - Lezioni - Fonti didattiche -
1. Ich pies je mięso.
- Their dog is eating meat.
2. Jego kot pije mleko.
- His cat is drinking milk.
3. Jej wino jest dobre.
- Her wine is good.
4. Ich pies.
- Their dog.
5. Jego słoń jest duży.
- His elephant is big.
6. I have her dog.
- Mam jej psa.
7. Jego słoń jest duży.
- His elephant is big.
8. Jej wino jest dobre.
- Her wine is good.
9. Widzisz ich?
- Do you  see them?
10. Mam jej psa.
- I have her dog.
11. His dog.
- Jego pies.
12. Their dog is eating meat.
- Ich pies je mięso.
13. Jej wino jest dobre.
- Her wine is good.

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